Class Application


public class Application
extends InvalidationEventSource

Represents an individual client's session with a particular Droplet application. Instances should be created by your ApplicationFactory in response to requests by the server. When you create a new window, you will need to add it to this object using addWindow(Window). This class also provides some general-purpose utility methods to accomplish tasks specific to a client session.

Note that there is a restriction on the usage of Application objects. After the Droplet Client corresponding to an Application is no longer connected to the Server, the object's resources may be deallocated, either immediately when the Client disconnects or after a specified period of time. At that point, the object becomes "invalid." All subsequent public method calls will throw an IllegalStateException. Any other objects that hold a reference to this one should register using InvalidationEventSource.addInvalidationListener(com.droplets.api.event.ObjectInvalidationListener) to be notified when the object becomes invalid so that they can release their references. This notification will always come after stop() is called on all of the Application's active windows.

Note that in the ObjectInvalidationListener's event handling code, you must not rely on the fact that the Application's window objects are still valid.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String MENU_ABOUT
          Causes the About Droplets dialog box to be displayed.
static java.lang.String MENU_ADD_TO_WEBPAGE
          Brings up a dialog with the HTML necessary for embedding this Droplet in a web page.
static java.lang.String MENU_EMAIL_A_FRIEND
          Causes the "Send this Droplet to a friend..." dialog box to be displayed.
static java.lang.String MENU_GO_TO_WEBTOP
          Sends the user to the website.
static java.lang.String MENU_HELP
          Sends the user to the general Droplets help page.
static java.lang.String MENU_HELP_WITH_DROPLET
          Sends the user to the help page for this particular Droplet application.
static java.lang.String MENU_LOG_OFF_AND_EXIT
          Logs off the user and exits the application.
static java.lang.String MENU_SAVE_TO_WEBTOP
          Sends the user to the Droplet Webtop site in order to save the current Droplet.
Constructor Summary
Application(int appToken)
          Creates an Application object to handle a user's session with this application.
Method Summary
 void addPollListener(PollListener pl)
          Adds a listener to be notified when the client polls this application.
 void addWindow(Window window)
          Adds a window to the application.
 void closeWorkingDialog()
          Closes the "working" dialog.
 void executeDropletMenuItem(java.lang.String menuItem)
          Programmatically selects one of the options on the Droplet menu.
 java.lang.String getAuthenticatedUserName()
          Gets the username by which this user has authenticated
 Dripline getDripline()
          Gets the Dripline object.
static java.lang.String[] getDropletMenuItemStrings()
          Gets an array of all of the valid Droplet menu item string constants that may be passed to executeDropletMenuItem.
 int getPollTime()
          Returns the poll time in centiseconds.
 int getProtocolVersion()
          Returns the version number of the protocol currently in use.
 java.lang.String getVariableValue(java.lang.String variableName)
          Queries the value of one of the variables associated with this application.
 WindowFactory getWindowFactory()
          Gets the registered window factory.
 void messageBox(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String message)
          Displays a modal dialog box with an OK button.
 void messageBox(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String message, DialogCloseListener dc)
          Displays a modal dialog box with an OK button.
 void playSound(java.lang.String sound)
          Requests that the client play the specified sound.
 void postEvent(java.lang.Runnable event)
          Posts an event to the Server's internal event queue that will result in the run method being called on the provided object.
 void printPdf(java.lang.String url)
          Prints the .pdf file pointed to by url.
 void removePollListener(PollListener pl)
          Removes a poll listener.
 void reportServerError(java.lang.String msg)
          Tells the Droplet client that a severe server error has occurred.
 void requestAuthentication(java.lang.String message, AuthenticationHandler handler)
          Pops up a dialog box requesting that the user supply a username and password.
 void requestExit()
          Tells the Droplet Client to exit, suspending the user's session.
 void saveUrlToFile(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String filename)
          Asks the client to download a URL and save it into a file that the user chooses.
 void sendFile(Window w, java.lang.String server, int port, java.lang.String fileName)
          Sends a file to the server that was previously chosen with the file open dialog.
 void setPollTime(int centiseconds)
          Sets the poll time in centiseconds.
 void setWindowFactory(WindowFactory factory)
          Registers an object that will be invoked by the Server to recreate the windows in a stored session when the session is deserialized.
 void showDocument(java.lang.String documentUrl, java.lang.String target)
          Shows a URL in a browser.
 void showErrorDialog(java.lang.String message)
          Displays a modal error dialog box with an OK button and an error icon.
 void showErrorDialog(java.lang.String message, DialogCloseListener dc)
          Displays a modal error dialog box with an OK button and an error icon.
 void showOpenDialog(Window w)
          Puts up a File Open dialog on the client.
 void showWorkingDialog(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String message, boolean autoClose)
          Displays a "working" dialog with the given title and message.
 void startDroplet(java.lang.String address, int port, java.lang.String imageDir, java.lang.String calc, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String vars)
          Starts a Droplet on the client with the given Droplet parameters.
Methods inherited from class com.droplets.api.InvalidationEventSource
addInvalidationListener, ensureValid, fireInvalidationEvent, invalidate, isValid, removeInvalidationListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String MENU_ABOUT
Causes the About Droplets dialog box to be displayed.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_EMAIL_A_FRIEND
Causes the "Send this Droplet to a friend..." dialog box to be displayed.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_GO_TO_WEBTOP
Sends the user to the website.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_SAVE_TO_WEBTOP
Sends the user to the Droplet Webtop site in order to save the current Droplet.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_HELP
Sends the user to the general Droplets help page.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_HELP_WITH_DROPLET
Sends the user to the help page for this particular Droplet application. A page for this application must have been set up, otherwise the user will get a "404: File not found" error.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_ADD_TO_WEBPAGE
Brings up a dialog with the HTML necessary for embedding this Droplet in a web page.


public static final java.lang.String MENU_LOG_OFF_AND_EXIT
Logs off the user and exits the application. This is useful to reset the auto-login feature.
Constructor Detail


public Application(int appToken)
Creates an Application object to handle a user's session with this application.
appToken - the token that the server passed into ApplicationFactory.createApplication(int)
Method Detail


public void setWindowFactory(WindowFactory factory)
Registers an object that will be invoked by the Server to recreate the windows in a stored session when the session is deserialized. A WindowFactory must be registered in order to support serialization.
factory - the WindowFactory object


public WindowFactory getWindowFactory()
Gets the registered window factory.
the WindowFactory


public void addWindow(Window window)
Adds a window to the application.
window - the window


public void messageBox(java.lang.String title,
                       java.lang.String message)
Displays a modal dialog box with an OK button.
title - text to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog box
message - text in the main panel of the dialog box


public void messageBox(java.lang.String title,
                       java.lang.String message,
                       DialogCloseListener dc)
Displays a modal dialog box with an OK button. Notifies the listener when it is closed
title - text to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog box
message - text in the main panel of the dialog box
dc - the close listener that will be notified on close. Its handleClose method is called with true if the client supports the call and false if it does not.


public void showErrorDialog(java.lang.String message)
Displays a modal error dialog box with an OK button and an error icon.
message - text in the main panel of the dialog box


public void showErrorDialog(java.lang.String message,
                            DialogCloseListener dc)
Displays a modal error dialog box with an OK button and an error icon. Notifies the listener when it is closed
message - text in the main panel of the dialog box
dc - the close listener that will be notified on close. Its handleClose method is called with true if the client supports the call and false if it does not.


public void showWorkingDialog(java.lang.String title,
                              java.lang.String message,
                              boolean autoClose)
Displays a "working" dialog with the given title and message. This is a dialog that you can display while your application performs some time consuming task. If autoClose is false, then call closeWorkingDialog() when you want the dialog to close.
title - text to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog box
message - the message that appears on the dialog.
autoClose - true if you want the dialog to automatically close when the event is handled. If autoClose is false, then call closeWorkingDialog() when you want the dialog to close.
See Also:


public void closeWorkingDialog()
Closes the "working" dialog.
See Also:
showWorkingDialog(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)


public void requestExit()
Tells the Droplet Client to exit, suspending the user's session. Does not block until the exit takes place. It is conceivable that the Client will not be able to exit immediately -- if it has a modal dialog box open, for example.


public static java.lang.String[] getDropletMenuItemStrings()
Gets an array of all of the valid Droplet menu item string constants that may be passed to executeDropletMenuItem.
the array of all Droplet menu items


public void executeDropletMenuItem(java.lang.String menuItem)
Programmatically selects one of the options on the Droplet menu. The Droplet menu is the one represented by the small green Droplet icon in the lower left corner of the main Droplet application window.
menuItem - must be one of the valid values representing items in the menu, all of which are stored in public static final Strings in this class (see Application above).


public java.lang.String getAuthenticatedUserName()
Gets the username by which this user has authenticated
the username by which this user has authenticated, or null if the current user has not been authenticated


public void reportServerError(java.lang.String msg)
Tells the Droplet client that a severe server error has occurred. The client will disconnect, then attempt to reconnect.
msg - text for the Droplet Client to write to its log. It is also displayed to the user while the reconnect takes place.


public void saveUrlToFile(java.lang.String url,
                          java.lang.String filename)
Asks the client to download a URL and save it into a file that the user chooses.

This method operates asynchronously, returning before the client has completed the operation. Therefore, the fact that this method returns does not necessarily mean that the operation succeeded. If the provided URL is invalid, an error dialog will be shown to the user.

url - the URL to download
filename - the filename to suggest to the user, or null to suggest nothing in particular


public void showOpenDialog(Window w)
Puts up a File Open dialog on the client. When the user chooses a file, any object registered with the window's addOpenDialogListener will be notified with the filename. They may opt to call sendFile to have the client send the file to the server.
w - The window to associate this open dialog with
See Also:
sendFile(com.droplets.api.Window, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String), Window.addOpenDialogListener(com.droplets.api.event.OpenDialogListener)


public void sendFile(Window w,
                     java.lang.String server,
                     int port,
                     java.lang.String fileName)
Sends a file to the server that was previously chosen with the file open dialog. When the user chooses a file, any object registered with the window's addOpenDialogListener will be notified with the filename. The client will use the PUT method of the web server you specify.
w - The window to associated with this open dialog
server - The internet address of the machine with the web server to PUT the file to
port - The port the web server is listening on
fileName - the server file name.
See Also:
showOpenDialog(com.droplets.api.Window), Window.addOpenDialogListener(com.droplets.api.event.OpenDialogListener)


public java.lang.String getVariableValue(java.lang.String variableName)
Queries the value of one of the variables associated with this application. The return value is always a String by default, though you can manually convert them to other types if desired.

There are two sets of variables that can be queried with this method:

Variables which can be read include the following:

In addition, any custom variables defined in the application's DRP file or the application skin's params.txt file will be available as well.
attributeName - the name of the variable to query
the value of the variable, or null if the variable is undefined


public void requestAuthentication(java.lang.String message,
                                  AuthenticationHandler handler)
Pops up a dialog box requesting that the user supply a username and password.

Authentication is an asynchronous operation. Instead of this function returning a flag for whether the authentication succeeded or not, the caller supplies an AuthenticationHandler that will be called when the operation completes. This method simply returns immediately. See AuthenticationHandler for details on how to interpret the results of the authentication request.

Note that this function allows for deferred authentication: you can allow the user to begin using the application without authenticating, only calling this method when the user requests an operation that requires authentication. If your application requires that the user authenticate herself to run at all, you should implement the ApplicationFactory.getRequiresImmediateAuthentication() method in your ApplicationFactory to return true. If you do that, then the fact that the application has started guarantees that the user is already authenticated.

message - a message to display to the user in the authentication dialog box
handler - an object that will be called when the user completes (or cancels) the authentication. If you have already called this method on this object and supplied an AuthenticationHandler, pass null to leave that handler in place.
NullPointerException - if no handler has ever been passed in and the handler argument is null


public void postEvent(java.lang.Runnable event)
Posts an event to the Server's internal event queue that will result in the run method being called on the provided object. This allows you to designate arbitrary code to be executed in a Server event-processing thread.

If your application code creates any threads that need to update the state of GUI components or call methods on the Application object, you should make sure that those threads never do so directly. Instead, wrap the calls in Runnable objects and pass them to this method. Otherwise, data corruption is likely to occur.

If the run method throws an unchecked exception, it will be caught and logged by the Server. Execution of other events will continue normally.

Note that the event that you pass in is posted to the end of the queue. Therefore, all other events that have already arrived (for example, actions the user has taken on the front end) are processed before this one. Even if there are no others on the queue, this method returns immediately, before the newly posted event is processed.

Also note that although it is unnecessary, calling this method from a Server thread has no harmful effects and functions in exactly the same way as when it is called from an application thread. The event is still be posted to the end of the queue.

This mechanism for avoiding integrity problems between threads is essentially the same as the one used by AWT and Swing. The Droplet Server event queue is analogous to java.awt.EventQueue, Server threads are analogous to the EventDispatchThread, and the postEvent method is analogous to both java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater() and javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(). Therefore, explanations in any documentation or texts about those packages will generally apply to the Droplet environment as well.

event - the Runnable to be executed by a Server thread
NullPointerException - if the argument is null


public void showDocument(java.lang.String documentUrl,
                         java.lang.String target)
Shows a URL in a browser. The target is used to refer to the frame of the browser that will be used to show the document. The following targets are reserved

_self: Shows in the frame of the droplet (if droplet is running in a browser)
_parent: Show in the parent frame of the droplet (if droplet is running in a browser)
_top: Show in topmost frame (if droplet is running in a browser)
_blank: Show in a new unnamed top-level window

all other names behave like _blank but are named and can be referred to in subsequent showDocument calls
documentUrl - a url to the document to be showed
target - the target frame in the browser


public void printPdf(java.lang.String url)
Prints the .pdf file pointed to by url.
url - the .pdf file to print


public void startDroplet(java.lang.String address,
                         int port,
                         java.lang.String imageDir,
                         java.lang.String calc,
                         java.lang.String title,
                         java.lang.String vars)
Starts a Droplet on the client with the given Droplet parameters. This is not implemented in Applet versions of the client.
address - the network address of the Droplet Server. Use null or "" to indicate that the address is the same as the calling Droplet
port - the network port of the Droplet Server. Use -1 to indicate that the port is the same as the calling Droplet.
imageDir - the base URL of images for the Droplet. Use null to indicate that the imageDir is the same as the calling Droplet.
calc - the calc (Droplet Application Name) of the Droplet. Use null or "" to indicate that the calc is the same as the calling Droplet.
title - the text on the title bar of the Droplet. Use null to indicate that the title is the same as the calling Droplet.
vars - the user variables of the Droplet. Use null to indicate that the vars is the same as the calling Droplet.


public int getPollTime()
Returns the poll time in centiseconds. The poll time is used by HTTP connected clients to poll for changed data. -1 indicates no polling.
the poll time


public int getProtocolVersion()
Returns the version number of the protocol currently in use.


public void setPollTime(int centiseconds)
Sets the poll time in centiseconds. The poll time is used by clients to poll for changed data. Set to -1 to indicate no polling.
centiseconds - the desired poll time (or -1 for no polling)
See Also:
addPollListener(com.droplets.api.event.PollListener), removePollListener(com.droplets.api.event.PollListener)


public void playSound(java.lang.String sound)
Requests that the client play the specified sound. Currently, only Sun Audio format (.au) is supported. A future version of the Droplets Client will be able to play WAVE format sounds.

The sound parameter may be either a URL, or the name of a sound file in the application's imageDir. The file extension must be provided, it will not be assumed.


myApp.playSound("");   // From imageDir

sound - the sound to play
Droplets API 2.26


public void addPollListener(PollListener pl)
Adds a listener to be notified when the client polls this application.
pl - the listener to add
See Also:
setPollTime(int), removePollListener(com.droplets.api.event.PollListener)


public void removePollListener(PollListener pl)
Removes a poll listener. Note that all listeners will be automatically removed upon closing - no need for client code to do that.
pl - the listener to remove
See Also:
setPollTime(int), addPollListener(com.droplets.api.event.PollListener)


public Dripline getDripline()
Gets the Dripline object. Must be done before using the Dripline class methods elsewhere in your application logic.

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