Build your applications once. Deploy them automatically across devices. Then, manage them easily and cost-effectively using your I.T. department's already existing skills. With Droplets User Interface Server 2.2, the benefits extend across your value chain.
- Deliver richer, more flexible applications
- Provide access from desktops and wireless
- Tap into legacy data with a universal UI
- Lower your annual bandwidth costs by 90%
- Eliminate desktop application maintenance
- Enable mission-critical applications across devices
Network applications have been divided into two distinct paradigms in recent years, and neither has been able to bring the full range of necessary capabilities to remote desktops. Both paradigms have strict functional limitations that make them less than ideal. HTML is bandwidth intensive, slow and page-based. Fat client/server requires large downloads in order to function, necessitating manual upgrades on every single machine, creating a real virus threat, and forcing developers to account for legacy clients that may still exist for the lifetime of the application.
The Droplets User Interface Server brings together the best of Web-based and local application delivery, while eliminating the disadvantages of each. Combining the end user benefits of client-side software with the administrative benefits of server-side software, the Droplets User Interface Server puts rich UIs on server-side software, providing your users with a universal user interface - even across devices.

- Deploys stand alone, or with any J2EE-compliant application server
- Supports Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, and the Solaris Operating Environment
- Programming tools for Java and C++; CLR and VB.Net coming soon
- Integration with Borland jBuilder; Oracle jDeveloper and Eclipse in beta
- Deploy to Windows, Linux, UNIX and wireless devices as standalone GUIs or within a Web browser
- Integrate with Web Service protocols with The Mind Electric's GLUE
, visit our Case Studies page.
, download an evaluation copy of the Droplets UI Server and SDK at
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, please visit our Licensing Page.